Cystitis is infection of the bladder. Nearly generally it is caused by a bacterial infection recognized as a urinary tract infection. It happens principally in women, fewer often in men. There are various elements of cystitis development. They are: damage to mucous membranes of the bladder, stagnation of blood in the blood-vessel of the pelvis, hormonal disorders, hypovitaminosis, overcooling and etc.
There are various sorts of cystitis. They are primary, secondary, acute, chronic, infectious and non-infectious cystitis.
Secondary cystitis expand on among the diseases of the bladder (stones, tumors) or nearby organs.
With infectious cystitis, ascending, descending, lymphogenic and hematogenic pathways of infection are possible. The most common causative agent of cystitis is intestinal bacteria, in particular, E. coli.
The characteristic symptoms of cystitis include:
frequent imperative urge to urinate with a minimum amount of urine;
feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder;
pain (cutting, burning) at the end of urination;
turbidity, darkening or admixture of blood in the urine (in some cases, blood is visible only on toilet paper);
discomfort or aching pains in the lower abdomen in women or in the rectum area in men.
With acute cystitis illness people are needed in bed rest. Antibacterial treatment prescribed by doctor is necessary. Plentiful drink and special diet are prescribed by doctor too
Phytotherapy is also used: sometimes it is claimed that the appointment of this group of drugs (for example, urolesan) is based on antimicrobial, phytoncidal, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, litolytic, antispasmodic, analgesic effect, the ability to normalize the immune status and sexual function.
Treatment of chronic cystitis is primarily aimed  at restoring normal flow of urine. Antibacterial treatment of chronic cystitis is only used after filtering the urine, identification of the causative agent of infection and his/her sensitive to antibiotics
Important point in preventing of cystitis is compliance with the basic rules of personal hygiene, which

includes regular replacement of underwear and washing the genital area with warm water at least once a day, without using soap and shower gels with a high content of active detergents and perfumes.


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